Ένωση Εφοπλιστών Κρουαζιερόπλοιων
cruise ship actions and support

Matters that the Association

takes actions for and finds the necessary solutions

  1. Shipping Cruise Policy.
  2. Maritime Safety.
  3. Maritime Security.
  4. Matters Related to Maritime Environmental Protection.
  5. Seamen Training.
  6. Port Infrastructure & Facilities.
  7. Matters Related to the Port State Control.
  8. Matters Related to Passengers & Crew Travel Documents.
  9. Matters Related to Museums & Archeological Sites.
  10. Reception Facilities in the Ports.
  11. Special Measures Concerning the Cruise Ships at the Anchorages
  12. Navigation Issues in difficult narrow sea passages with dense traffic.
  13. Traffic Control in Ports.
  14. Matters regarding Tourism
  15. Port Duties
  16. Tug Services
  17. Search & Rescue (SAR).
  18. Matters Related to the Schengen Convention.
  19. Participation in the work of the International Maritime Organization Meetings on issues relating to the International Conventions, as well as the International Codes for all areas ship's operations.
  20. Checks for passengers coming from Non Schengen countries
  21. The implementation of measures onboard and in the ports, with regards to the safety protocols and protection from COVID-19

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